The power to keep you off the ground
Managing engine maintenance is key to avoid operational disruptions and protect profitability.
Engines are the most expensive and critical assets in your fleet. Whether you are an airline or an aircraft lessor, you commit considerable resources to engine maintenance, always keeping a close eye on their cost of ownership and uptime: the slightest drift or unforeseen event can bring your operations to a standstill and send your bottom line into the red.
Yet the technical and economic stakes involved in engine support will only intensify in the times ahead. Requests for shop visits are rising sharply, with the risk of repair/overhaul capacity becoming saturated throughout the world, driving up prices and lengthening lead times. At the same time, there are more and more new-generation products on the market, and they are gradually maturing: their maintenance requirements are increasing, but only a limited number of MRO suppliers are fully up to speed with their advanced technologies.
In this complex, fast-moving environment, you need to be able to rely on a partner you can trust. At AFI KLM E&M, we're here for you: with an extensive range of engine solutions, proven experience, high-level expertise and the unique insights of an airline MRO.
Your challenges
- Keep your customers happy and flying: As an Airline-MRO, AFI KLM E&M knows that your job is first and foremost to fly your passengers and cargo in the best operational conditions, and according to the highest standards of quality, safety and punctuality
- Control your total cost of ownership (TCO): With bills running higher by the minute when one of your aircraft is grounded, or when you have to transport a spare engine, replace a part or look for an available repair slot, you need more than just technical support: you need an expert whose purview is the entire engine value chain, and who has the ability to make the most of your assets.
- Secure your access to relevant engine resources: You want a reliable, available and responsive partner, with the technical knowledge, industrial base and logistics capacity to meet all your requests, wherever and whenever they may arise.
maintenance facilities
engine shop visits per year
engine test cells
engine parts and modules repaired each week
on-wing/on-site interventions per year
Capabilities by shop
AF Paris | KLM AMS |
5B | 7B |
GE90 | GenX |
LEAP1A/1B | CF6-80E1 |
PW |
BEST4YOU Campaign: Leandro, Engine module technician